I am New Zealand-based writer, artist and maker Minu Freitag.
My artwork often shifts between media and I currently focus on paper mache sculptures, printmaking, and painting.
My books are a mix of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Dystopian fiction. I published my first book, The Fragments, in 2022 and am currently working on the second book in the The Spheres Series, The House.

Minu Freitag is a New Zealand-based artist and writer. Trained as an architect and multimedia producer, she has worn many hats in the creative industries, but found her creative home as a toymaker, illustrator and writer.
Drawing from her experience in commercial design and architecture in Germany, Minu Freitag now lives and works as an independent artist and maker in New Zealand. She sells her artwork, limited edition prints and plush objects in selected galleries and online.
Minu’s often anthropomorphic characters and scenes seem to emerge from forgotten tales of lonely wanderers, fantastical creatures, and woodland spirits. Her creations are caught in a juxtaposition between light and dark, melancholy and hope—shifting their shapes, revealing inner worlds, or living in symbioses with other beings.

Minu is the author of the Spheres Series set in a post-apocalyptic future. Her visionary story telling invites the reader into a universe broken into alternate realities inhabited by unforgettable creatures. Her multidimensional characters and inventive concepts create an immersive and exciting new mix of science fiction, fantasy, and dystopian fiction.
_ The Fragments, The Spheres Book One (released 2022)
_ The House, The Spheres Book Two (planned for late-2023)
– The Spheres (WT), The Spheres Book Three (planned for late-2024)