Another week. Another update.
Writing Challenge—Shut up and write 2023

Goal for March – Complete three chapters a week on the first revised draft for The House
Good morning Monday! Time for a writing update \(^-^)/ — I can’t believe we are mostly through March! This month’ goal for my #shutupandwrite2023 #writingchallenge is to complete the first revisions for 3 chapters a week …
… drumroll …
I made it—I completed the re-re-write of chapters 11, 12 and 13.
Progress in numbers
The House, first draft — 95,700 words
Chapters revised – 2 prologue, 13 chapters, 1 interlude
Need to keep an eye on my writing budget—I only have between 5000 and 15000 words left to spend.
Join the shut up and write 2023 writing Challenge!
Join the #shutupandwrite2023 #writingchallenge. Set your goals—for the year, month, day; based on word count or time at your desk; whatever works for you!—and tag your post on social media with #shutupandwrite2023.
You can follow my writing adventures on Bluesky, Instagram, Goodreads and Amazon.