The–almost–weekly writing update.

Week 33, 2023
Word by word, sentence by sentence! The first proof for the new KDP paperback edition arrived. The cream paper was the right decision and, even though a good part of the illustrations are gone, I feel much better about the result.
The House, The Spheres Book Two
So so soooo slooooow.
Progress in numbers
Word count total— 105,000 (need to be careful with my word budget)
Words revised total— 46,000
Words revised last week 2,000 (… AGAIN! I don’t want to talk about it … )
Planned Release December 2023 (… I am not giving up yet! … )
The Fragments, The Spheres Book One – 2nd edition
The first proof arrived!

KDP doesn’t allow to change the paper in a published edition, so I will launch the new paperback as a second edition with a new ISBN. It took me a while how to figure out how to best do this … there is still so much I need to learn about the do’s and don’t with KPD! The colours in the cover are off as well, but I found nothing so far that would stop me from publishing the new edition on August 31!

We wouldn’t do this if it would be easy, right?

New here? I am New Zealand-based writer, artist and maker Minu Freitag. I have published my first book—The Fragments, an inventive mix of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Dystopian fiction—in 2022 and am currently working on the second book in The Spheres Series—The House—due for release in the first half of 2025.
You can follow my writing adventures on Bluesky, Instagram, Goodreads and Amazon.