The Post I Didn’t Write

I’m invoking my one-strike rule.

Moi and The Cloud No.2
Sculpture—paper mache, wood, acrylics, framed in reclaimed rimu
175mm (w) x 360mm (h) x 75mm (d)
Available via …> Quirky Fox

My mind is racing all over the place, and I can’t keep up. I am in despair; I am full of hope. I am on a precipice poised to fall. The air current is trailing goosebumps over my skin. Everything hurts and everything is beautiful. 

I just can’t write this post 

I have too much to say and nothing at all. Too many ideas drag me in too many directions. I sit in the front seat but I am not the one driving. 

I think you get the picture 

I’m invoking my one-strike rule. I am allowed to skip one weekly post and return next week. 

I hope you are all taking care of yourselves and hanging in there!

I’ll see you next week.

Other news

The first locally printed New Zealand edition of The Fragments is be available on my website. It looks amazing … if I say so myself.

New here? I am New Zealand-based writer, artist and maker Minu Freitag. I have published my first book—The Fragments, an inventive mix of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Dystopian fiction—in 2022 and am currently working on the second book in The Spheres Series—The House—due for release in the first half of 2024.

You can follow my writing adventures on InstagramTiktok, and Goodreads.

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