September Writing Update—Progress update on revisions for The House

Progress update on revisions for The House and other news.

A desk workspace with a laptop, notebook, and coffee cup. The scene suggests a cozy work or study setup.

Progress update on revisions for The House

The second revision focusing on plot and pacing for The House, the second book in The Spheres Series, is completed, leaving the manuscript at 55 chapters and 100k words. Yay!

Even better, the third revision—a tidy up on pacing between chapters and within scenes—is already at 25k words. While I’m still making too many changes with each iteration for my liking, each change also feels right … so that is that, I guess.

I am also filling in description, sketching maps and floor plans for the main settings and locations—always super fun. The paid contract work that took up so much time this year might fizzle out over the next months, allowing me to get my ideas for Book Three in shape for NaNoWriMo in November.

Which brings me to …

Updates on ARCs and Release dates

Well … I don’t really have news on ARCs and release dates … because any updates would entail me admitting that a release for The House in December 2024 is no longer feasible, and I am not ready to give up on the idea … .

So bear with me while I work on options.

That’s all for this update—it’s time to return to my draft!
I’ll check in again next week.

Happy writing!

Other news

The first locally printed New Zealand edition of The Fragments is be available on my website. It looks amazing … if I say so myself.

New here? I am New Zealand-based writer, artist and maker Minu Freitag. I have published my first book—The Fragments, an inventive mix of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Dystopian fiction—in 2022 and am currently working on the second book in The Spheres Series—The House—due for release in the first half of 2024.

You can follow my writing adventures on InstagramTiktok, and Goodreads.

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