So this might be possibly the worst first day in the history of Nano participation.

You can now follow my NaNo Rebel 2024 journey in my daily updates all in one place!
NaNo Rebel 2024—Day 1
Word count: 800
A nagging feeling had been haunting me the whole week. I knew I had forgotten something—something big… . Like taking part in NaNoRebel 2024 to write the outline for The Spheres Book 3.
It is November 1st, 2024, 2 hours to midnight, and for some reason, I am flicking through this year’s blog posts—not nearly as many as I wanted to write—and find this: July Writing Update. I remember writing it. I was just slowly coming out of a bit of a dark place, and some slivers of light could be seen on the horizon.
Then I see it: I had been planning to take part in NaNoRebel. Only, days blurred into weeks, and weeks blurred into months, and how the skies can it already be November 1?
So this might be possibly the worst first day in the history of Nano participation, but who cares?
I turn to my laptop, open a new document. A blank page awaits me—white, innocent, and full of potential—and I start to type:
The Spheres, Book 3…

New here? I am New Zealand-based writer, artist and maker Minu Freitag. I have published my first book—The Fragments, an inventive mix of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Dystopian fiction—in 2022 and am currently working on the second book in The Spheres Series—The House—due for release in the first half of 2025.
You can follow my writing adventures on Bluesky, Instagram, Goodreads and Amazon.